Friday, September 28, 2007

Agony of de-feet

Apparently the baby's feet are lodged under my ribs on the right side, which is what is causing me to feel like I've either bruised or broken a rib or two. Baby does a little tap dance on them when s/he is feeling antsy. I suppose it's better than having various internal organs danced upon, but it's still not very comfortable.

Two evenings ago, I was watching the baby dance around in my belly (trust me, it's fascinating) when suddenly a little foot comes poking out. I could clearly see it kick out from my belly and slide down to my side (to give a quick kick to my ribs) before moving back up towards the center of my belly for another round. The second time, I grabbed the foot on its descent to my ribs, and the baby immediately drew it back. And then gave me a little one-two combination kick to show me who's boss.

It was really neat, and vaguely unsettling. Whenever the baby does a move like that (just the legs sliding around, rather than the whole body rolling), it makes me feel mildly nauseous. It's very similar to the feeling you get on a roller coaster, when your stomach is still at the top of the hill after your body has made it all the way to the bottom.

We get an ultrasound today to check on the baby's growth, so hopefully we'll get to see those kicky legs in action!


Anonymous said...

so funny, i was going to im you the link to this article in the morning!
-your favorite east coast im'er (missed you on friday... hope all's well)

Anonymous said...

What you're describing sounds a little too much like the movie Alien.

Anonymous said...

That's kind of how I feel about it too, but people tend to look at me funny and get offended if I compare the baby to an alien...