Sunday, September 16, 2007

I have a feeling I'm going to need this

A friend commented to me (before I was pregnant), "Your blog's not going to turn into one of those baby-obsessed mommy blogs, will it?" I assured him at the time that my blog will remain Cowboy-centered. However, I never said I wouldn't come up with ANOTHER blog, on which I can obsess about our upcoming new family member!

So here it is -- our baby blog. I don't have much to put here yet, but I'll be adding things whenever I feel the need to have a mama vent or coo over baby toys or laugh about a "pregnesia" moment or complain about aches, pains or crazy people who feel justified saying inappropriate things to me just because I have a belly.

My first crazy person post: I was walking through Target, minding my own business, when an older man passed me and said, "Sure hope you have a husband to go with that belly." Sure wish he had a brain to go with that mouth.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I sure wish I had a gun for that persons head...

Sometimes, it is just too bad that we live in a country that has freedom of speech.