Friday, December 14, 2007

I think we're alone now

Well, we're on our own now! A-mah and Opa left yesterday morning, so now it's just us. Although we have really appreciated the help and support of our families, it's kind of nice to finally have a chance to settle into our own rhythm. Now we can see how things are really going to be from now on. It's a bit intimidating, but also a bit of a relief to finally have a chance to stabilize.

I know, I just want to hear about Zachary! He's doing well, don't worry. He still hasn't added much to his repertoire of skills (eating, sleeping, fussing, soiling) but he is focusing more on faces and following objects with his eyes. He does more gurgling and cooing, and his spontaneous smiles are more numerous. I think I saw a real smile this morning, but it could have been gas pains as well.

We think Zachary might have baby acid reflux. He has most of the classic symptoms, so we've been trying to keep him positioned upright as much as possible to see if that helps. We also caved in and got him a pacifier, because the sucking is supposed to help reflux babies keep the contents of their stomachs where it's supposed to be.

So far, these things seem to be working! Last night was the first night in a long time that we haven't had to spend 2+ hours trying to get him back to sleep after he wakes for his 2AM feeding. We are also borrowing a swing from Robin and Glenda, and today is the first time Zachary has fallen asleep anywhere other than in the baby carrier or in our arms! We don't actually turn the swing on because he doesn't seem to be a big fan of the motion, but he seems a lot more comfortable in the upright seat than he does when we try to put him down on his back.

The jury is still out on the pacifier. Sometimes he takes it and sucks like crazy for about two minutes, but he generally spits it out within 20 seconds. We'll see how it goes.

This weekend will be Zachary's big debut! On Saturday morning, Margaret is going to help me with my first time taking Zachary out for anything longer than a 40 minute walk around the neighborhood. We're going to actually pack a diaper bag, and maybe even try nursing in public! Margaret has offered to create a diversion while I get set up nursing since I'm not very subtle about it yet. Margaret's such a good friend and (fairy) godmother!

Saturday evening, we will head to Jen and Eric's for their Christmas party! Since we still have to be careful with people touching or holding Zachary, we will bring his Ergo and sling to carry him around. Hopefully I will be able to just wear him in the sling all night, but lately he hasn't been very happy about being in there so I'm bringing the Ergo as back-up.

Today I took my first walk with both Zachary and Cowboy! With Zachary in the Ergo, it's pretty easy for me to handle both of my boys. However, handling Zachary, Cowboy, a cup of hot tea, and a piece of quiche in a box at the same time is a bit more challenging... I'm also not quite ready to try the stroller yet. Cowboy is a little wary of it, so I'd rather that be a joint effort with Chris.

I'll post some pictures later this weekend!

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