Tuesday, September 2, 2008

It's my perogative

So you know how I wrote in my last post that I've gotten rid of my third nap? Not so fast, little buckeroo. I think I might want to keep that one around.

You see, Mama was a little concerned about dropping that nap. Even though I refused to sleep when she put me down, I was SO tired and cranky all afternoon. Remembering that she solved my previous crankiness by feeding me snacks, she tried giving me a nice big snack (Cheerios dipped in watermelon juice to soften them up a little) before putting me down. And guess what? I went right to sleep!

Of course, this is just one day. Who knows what I'll decide to do tomorrow?

Today was a fun day in addition to the watermelon juice Cheerios and lovely late afternoon nap: I went to my first Gymboree class with Oliver! At first, it was a little overwhelming to be in a room full of so many big and bright toys and play structures. But after a few minutes, I was army crawling around and chewing on everything I could find. We went down lots of slides (when I went down by myself on my belly, I held onto the side and tried to pull myself back up) and played on roll-y things and with balls, bubbles, mirrors, and even a giant parachute! We sang songs and did dances and were allowed to wander wherever we wanted to go. It was so much fun!

There were several other friends in the class, but Oliver and I are the youngest. It kind of reminds me of yoga -- how we used to be the smallest, and now we're not even allowed to go because we're too grown up. When I see the other babies crawling and standing and walking, I can't even imagine that I'll be one of the "big kids" one day.

Oh yeah, in my list of accomplishments from yesterday, I forgot to mention that I know how to push myself up into a sitting position now. This is SO cool -- I can crawl to the toy shelf, pull off all the blocks and throw them around the room, grab two, sit up, and bang them together. Whee!

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