Wednesday, February 4, 2009

15 month check-up

I had my 15-month check up with the Dude today and I'm a healthy boy! I weigh 23lbs 4oz (25th%), my head circumference is 47 cm (50th%) and I'm 32" tall (75th%). So I'm still a tall, lean boy. And the Dude was very impressed with my growth. Mama mentioned that I've slowed down how much I eat and he said, "I HOPE so! Otherwise you're going to end up with a 60lb 2-yr old on your hands!"

I'm also right on track developmentally, even though I don't say many "real" words now. Since I understand what Mama and Daddy say, I know how to use my baby signs correctly, and I've invented my own words for things, the Dude said that I clearly understand the association between words and objects. Plus, I'm quite talkative for being a guy of so few (or no) words.

I was very good with the Dude and let him check my eyes, ears, teeth and body parts without complaining at all. He let me sit on Mama's lap during the whole check-up and his voice is so calm and's like snuggling with my Thunder Bear, Ralphie, and Mr. Blue all at the same time.

I was in a very happy warm fuzzy place, and then Nurse Ratched came in with the evil pointy needles. She poked me three different times! I was great with the first one and pretty good with the second one, but the third poke put me over the top. I screamed and started crying, but Mama picked me up right away and sang to me. I quieted down and then started laughing when she danced with me, especially when she dipped me so I could see myself in the mirror. I guess it wasn't so bad.

Here's a view of my growth chart. After that little dip below the line at 6 months, I've been doing pretty well!

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