Thursday, February 26, 2009

Moving on up

I was kindly informed today that it is time for me to move to the big kids class at Gymboree. What, it's not cool for me to steal toys from the babies that can't walk yet? But it's so fun and easy! And I like having all of the big equipment (like the slides and ladders) to share with Oliver. Now we're going to have to fend off bigger kids? Just when I get to be the biggest kid in class, I get moved to a class where I'll be one of the smallest? Hmm. I'm not sure if I like that.

Mama said, "Now that you're the big fish in a small pond, time to move you to a bigger pond!" Why can't I just eat up all the other fish and happily be king of my pond? Daddy said, "Get used to a lifetime of this. Once you get big, you'll move to another school or job where you'll be little again. Until you're old. And then you're just old. For the rest of your life."

Gosh, that's a cheery thought. I think I'll stick to pretending I'm a fish in a pond. Glub glub glub!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

yay Z!!! you're moving up in the world!!
-auntie shilpa