Friday, February 1, 2008

Busy week

It's been a pretty busy week for me! Now that I'm bigger, I'm going out more with mama and her friends. I met my Auntie Rosetta, went to the mall with Oliver, walked around the lake with Benjamin, watched a movie with the Middlemisses, and hung out with Meg. Someday soon I hope to have my drivers license so that I can just take off with Oliver and Benjamin and we don't have to be seen with our mamas all the time.

I've decided that it's pretty cool to sleep on my own now, so I don't complain too much anymore when mama puts me in the co-sleeper or cradle. But last night I was super hungry and cranky, so I made mama get up every 1.5 hours to nurse me. I don't want her to forget who's boss.

There are more pictures up from last week. Mama's been a little behind in getting pictures uploaded but I think she's caught up now.

Pictures: January 27, 2008

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