Sunday, February 10, 2008

Magic car seat

Last night I went to a Girls Night with mama. I think they only let me come because they think I'm too small to know what's going on, but trust me, I was paying attention.

These Girls Nights seem a lot different than daddy's Boys Nights. There's no poker, beer, or sports on TV and no one yells or roughhouses. It's just a bunch of women standing around chatting, eating finger foods (last night was crepes, fondue, crap dip and crostini with olive tapenade goat cheese, among other things) and drinking champagne. How civilized.

Anyway, I charmed the ladies for a bit and then got cranky because I was tired. So mama put me in my car seat and set me in a darkened room while she got ready to take me home. I fell asleep while I was waiting. When I woke up next (because I was hungry), I was still in my car seat! I thought that maybe mama forgot me, or she was drinking champagne and couldn't drive home. But then I realized that I was home! I was in my crib, in fact (yes, my car seat was in my crib). And the craziest part is this: it was 4:30 AM! I'd slept for 8 hours in my car seat! I cried to get mama's attention, and when she came to feed me she was so happy that she was practically dancing around the room.

I wonder if my car seat is going to end up in my crib more often now.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Its so cool you have your own blog! My mom has a really embarassing blog about me ( and she has never even let me do one post. Maybe if I tell her all the other kids are doing it...