Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Here fishy fishy fishy

I had my first taste of sushi today, and I loved it! Mama only gave me pieces of rolls that were made with cooked fish or veggies (California, caterpillar, futomaki, etc.) and I really liked them. I especially like the rice with the seaweed! Next up: sashimi!

Two more teeth broke through today too, making a total of seven teeth. That might explain a bit of my crankiness, although the never-ending transition to one nap plays a part too. Today I took two naps of 2 hours each, trying to make up for the last several days when I only took one nap of 1.5 hours or less. Both Mama and I are anxious for things to settle down.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Seven teeth... that's amazing!

I have had six for months now but am stuck there. Mama and Auntie think my molars are coming through (maybe to explain my random bouts of extreme crankiness) but none have come through yet.

Congratulations on number seven!