Friday, January 23, 2009

Where's the beef? Not here.

Mama's been trying to figure out ways to get me to eat meat for awhile now. I'm just not a big fan. If she purees it so that I can't pick it out of my mouth, then I'll eat SOME beef, but not a lot. I will eat chicken though, as long as it's ground up. Here's the tally so far:

NO - beef, chicken chunks, ham, pork, turkey, tuna
YES - pureed or ground chicken, cod, crab, salmon

Luckily I get plenty of protein from milk, cheese, tofu and beans, so that's not a concern. Mama's just wondering if I'll ever eat a ham sandwich, or will she be packing crab rolls and salmon burgers into my lunch box.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Zachary knows more about a proper diet at one year than most of us do at lotsa years. Is good dieting instinctive and we "feed" it out of our kids?

Eats Cardboard