Thursday, January 22, 2009


Mama keeps waiting for me to say my first word, but now she's starting to suspect that I've already said a few and she just didn't recognize them. I tried to TELL her that she needs to work on learning my language!

In addition to my baby signs (I sign "more" and point when I want something, I sign "eat" when I'm hungry, I kind of sign "all done" -- it's closer to waving my arms in the air -- when I'm ready to go, and yesterday I started signing "milk") and my baby language ("gn" for Cowboy, "ayyy!" to say hello, along with a wide variety of screeches, yells, coos, squeaks and babbles), I also say a couple word-like sounds.

When Mama gives me something to eat that's a little too warm, I open my mouth, wave my hand in front of it, and say, "Haw haw haw!" I learned that because Mama always asks me, "Is it too hot?" I also say "mama", "mum-mum-mum" and "daaaay-dy", and Mama even caught me saying "milk" and singing "moo moo" while rocking on my cow. I sometimes say something awfully close to "cow", and I bark "arf arf arf!" when Cowboy barks.

So even though Mama may not have realized it, I've been talking for awhile. I hope that she learns more quickly from now on.

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