Friday, October 19, 2007

34 weeks

We had another ultrasound today to see how babyhill is doing, and things look great! Baby is still growing as it should and is currently in the 24th percentile for weight (5lbs 3oz). It is still long and lean with a large head...kinda like its parents. I've posted the latest ultrasound photo to Flickr, so you should see it above.

When we monitored the baby, we saw what has become my "normal" pattern: I have a couple large contractions that I can feel, plus a bunch of small ones that I totally miss. Even when watching the monitor and knowing that, theoretically, I'm having a contraction. My doctor isn't too worried about the small ones right now, because they don't seem to be causing things to change or labor to start. However, I have been instructed to continue my modified house arrest (stay off my feet, work from home, etc.) until I'm at least 36 weeks along. After that, we will see how things are going and I may be allowed to go back to work and rejoin the outside world for a bit.

I know, it sounds strange that I'd be restricted now and allowed to go free later. That's because once I'm 36 weeks, there's not as much risk to the baby if I deliver early. Until then, however, I have to take it easy in order to keep baby put.

We also did our hospital tour this evening so that we know where to go and what to expect when the time comes to make our panic-stricken way there. I have to say, there's something strange about walking around with a group of very pregnant women. It's like a flock of ducks, waddling around. And I get nervous every time ALL of us pile into one elevator. Will it hold us?

I also feel a bit like an underachiever when I'm surrounded by pregnant women. I was chatting with some of them, and it turns out that I am the furthest along of most of them. Yet they all look so much more pregnant than I do! I kept sticking my belly out more so that I'd feel justified in hanging out with them.

Last night, the baby did some new move where it swept a long body part (leg? arm?) across the top of my belly. I was watching while it happened, and I actually screamed. I've gotten used to the little foot sticking out of or sliding down my right side, but an entire limb? Across the front and top of my belly? Where I can see it clearly? That was a bit much.

Anyway, time for me to drink a glass of milk (precisely 8 oz, 12g of carbs, 8g of protein...) and then settle on the couch to watch the baby dance.

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