Monday, January 14, 2008

New pictures added - Jan 13

It's been awhile since I've added pictures, so I just put a bunch up from the last two weeks. You'll see that Zachary is getting even more handsome every day! His eyebrows have really filled in, which make his expressions so much funnier. And his eyelashes are now thick and long. I'm jealous.

Zachary is still not happy about lying down on his own, and we're not quite sure how to fix that. Everyone says that he'll outgrow it, so we're hoping that's true. He does manage pretty well in the swing every once in awhile, and when he's wide awake he likes to lie on his play mat or in the crib and kick wildly while he looks at the mobiles or mirror. But he gets bored after awhile and starts to fuss, and he has yet to actually take a nap lying down alone in his crib.

He also does these funny little "sleep screams". That's when he's fast asleep and he suddenly wails loudly for a couple seconds without waking up. It's startling to me (it's a very loud and purposeful cry, not a sleepy murmur or grunt) but it doesn't seem to bother him.

In this latest batch of pictures, he's really starting to show his personality. Sometimes I'm amazed at how mature he looks! Not the way he did when he was born (and he looked like a little old man because he was so skinny and wrinkly), but like an actual child instead of a baby.

Pictures: January 13,2008

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