Tuesday, January 1, 2008

New year, new pictures

We've had lots of family here the past week, and I added a post and pictures to my other blog. I've also added a few Zachary-centric (although the holiday and visitors were pretty Zachary-centric as well) pictures here.

Zachary is 8 weeks old now, and he's changing every day! He still likes to make a lot of different faces, and he's adding more to his repertoire every day. He coos and gurgles more frequently now -- mostly in the morning when we have playtime before we get out of bed to start our day. He's getting bigger and heavier too. In fact, he's actually grown out of his diapers and has moved up to a Size 1! (He's been in a Size NB - Newborn until now.)

We realized that Zachary needed a larger diaper once he started blowing out the top of his diapers every time he soiled them. The first couple times we thought we'd just put his diaper on too loosely, but after a full day of blow-outs, we figured we'd get the next size the next time we bought diapers. Then, after he peed on his Mama while nursing (and yes, he was fully clothed and diapered, yet still managed to soak me), we (I) decided we'd get the next size of diapers immediately. The peeing incident happened at 4AM, and I was at Fred Meyer when they opened their doors at 7AM. Of course, they were out of Size 1 diapers, so I went to QFC (also out) and Bartell Drugs. I got to Bartell's right before they opened, so I stood outside with a man who was also waiting. When the doors opened, we both went directly to the diaper aisle. He looked at me and said, "Emergency?" and we both laughed. (By the way, Bartell's was also out, so I went to Safeway and FINALLY found them.)

When I was at Fred Meyer, I looked at some of the newborn baby outfits. I saw that Zachary is too big for them, but it was only a couple weeks ago that he was too small for them! It made it clear how much he's grown, and it made me a bit sad to realize how quickly we've moved past his "brand new baby" stage. Everyone keeps telling me to "enjoy it, they grow so quickly" and it really is true. Even though sometimes (mostly at 2AM when he's screaming at the top of his lungs) I feel like time is standing still.

Zachary still has a hard time with evenings and night, when he starts to fuss and cry and there doesn't seem to be anything we can do to soothe him other than nurse. The books say that fussiness/colic tends to peak at 6 weeks after the gestational due date (in other words, the 3+ extra weeks we got because he was early don't count towards the 6-week time line) and gradually taper away by 12 weeks. He'll be 6 weeks past his due date next Tuesday, so we'll see if things start to get a little easier!

Pictures: January 1, 2008

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