Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Sleeping baby

This may be a small achievement, but I'm excited about it:

Zachary fell asleep! By himself! Lying down! Alone! For the first time in over two months!

I nursed and changed him and he started to yawn. So I swaddled him and placed him in the cradle, which I've moved to the guest room (the only room in the house that had full blinds and thus can be darkened a bit during the day...the enormous skylight in the nursery is going to be an issue as Zachary gets older and needs to nap in his own room). He started kicking and crying, so I sat with him and sang to him but didn't take him out of the cradle. He eventually calmed down, and I tip-toed out of the room. He started crying again, but stopped pretty quickly (less than five minutes). I peeked in and saw that he was awake and staring around the room, but he wasn't fussing. A few minutes later I looked in, and voila! He was asleep!

And now, he is awake and crying. Hmmm. Baby steps...

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