Friday, January 18, 2008

There's a new sheriff in town

Helloooooo blog world! It's me, Zachary! I decided that I'm tired of letting Mama do my talking for me, so I'm taking over this blog. After all, she has her own blog. Does she need two? I didn't think so.

From now on, this blog is all about me and my thoughts! If you're curious about what Mama's doing or what she's thinking (even if it's about me), head on over to her blog to find out. Otherwise, stick around to see what I'm up to!

Keep in mind, these posts might be short because I'm not quite as wordy as Mama. And there's the small detail that I don't actually know how to talk, let alone type, yet. So how are these posts getting written? Magic, my friend.

I'll end this with a little snippet to tide you over until my next post:

I did something new last night, just to keep Mama and Daddy on their toes. At 3 AM, I suddenly started screaming at the top of my lungs. Not crying, mind you, just screaming. Without waking up. I screamed like I was in excruciating pain for about a minute, then stopped and continued sleeping peacefully. Of course, Mama and Daddy were jolted awake and couldn't get back to sleep afterwards because they were so rattled. But I slept like, well, a baby.

Mama called the doctor today to see if there's something wrong. He said that it sounds like night terrors, but that I'm far too young to be experiencing those. I guess I'm not supposed to have nightmares until I'm at least 6 months old, and night terrors won't start until I'm at least a year old. So I've confounded them all. Hah!

Zachary: 1, Adults: 0

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Zachary- You should speak to Ben about these night terrors. He is the king of them and may have some safety tips. Hope you don't have to many more. Let me guess did you dream the milk had run dry? Only creamed broccoli baby food was available? You had diapers til you were 12? All horrible night terrors! Good luck Zach. Hope to see you soon. We have something for you from London! xxoo, Carrie and Ben