Monday, December 1, 2008

I yam what I yam

My latest achievements:
  • I bit Oliver on the hand today. Hard. Hard enough to make him cry for at least several minutes. And then when he was crying and his mom was comforting him, I pulled on his mom's leg and looked at Oliver like, "What's going on buddy? Why are you crying?"
  • In spite of biting him, I recognize and enjoy Oliver's company. When we were little, we played near each other without really paying attention to one another. Now we follow each other around and play with the same toys together. Which, incidentally, is what led to me biting his hand.
  • I like to stick my tongue out.
  • I'm still enjoying my food. To give you an idea of what I eat, here's today's menu: an adult-sized serving of oatmeal and blueberries plus one banana for breakfast; stew (red potatoes, parsnips, leeks and spinach) and apple-apricot sauce for lunch, and an egg stir-fry (with baby bok choy, leeks and tomatoes), rice, some taro root mantou, and carrots and pears (mixed together) for dinner. Plus two snacks and several cups of milk. Yum.
  • I spend more time just standing around without holding onto anything.
  • My hair is getting unruly -- long and wispy in places, shorter and wavy in others. It kind of looks like I have a combination of a comb-over/mullet/mohawk/buzzcut.
  • I say "MA-MA" very clearly now, and I still practice with "DAY-DEE".
  • I talk to Cowboy during meals (he waits underneath my high chair while I eat). I lean over the side of my high chair so I can see him and have long and active (albeit one-sided) conversations with him. I also consistently call him "GN".
  • I don't like it when food spills on the table in front of me, so Mama has to be really fast about cleaning it up before I notice it. Sometimes I pick it up and put it back in my bowl, but I usually prefer to just sweep it onto my lap or the floor.
  • I can't decide if I'm taking one or two naps per day. I'll take one nap for a day or two, then switch back to two naps. I still sleep 13 hours at night (6:30 PM - 7:30 AM).
  • I throw full-body tantrums. I scream, squirm and kick my legs frantically if someone picks me up when I want to crawl. I throw myself face-first on the floor and either bite the floor or bang my head on it (good thing we have those padded floors in my playroom) when I don't get what I want. If I'm not on the floor, I throw my head back and/or try to bite whoever or whatever is near (Mama, Daddy, the table, a book, a toy, etc.). This is just a preview of what's to come.
  • I like to head-butt people and things. I do it softly though, so it's different than my head-banging tantrums. Oliver likes to head-butt too, so we spend a fair amount of time touching foreheads.
The picture above shows those big chompers I used to bite my friend. Watch out, I'm armed and dangerous now!

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