Sunday, December 14, 2008

Let it snow

But please let it snow elsewhere. Or at the very least, if it must snow here (which Mama and Daddy seem to want), please refrain from putting me in it.

Today Mama and Daddy got me all decked out in my snowsuit and warm boots so that I could play in the snow. Apparently I didn't mind snow at all last year (baby shredder), but I must have just been too young and foolish to know better. It's kind of similar to how I didn't mind that Santa guy when I was only 5 months old. It takes maturity and experience to learn about what you like and what you don't like, after all.

Anyway, once I got on the snow, I immediately -- and loudly -- made my thoughts about the whole situation very clear. Even though I look exceedingly handsome in my snowsuit (not many people can pull off head-to-toe plaid, you know), I prefer to enjoy snow from the safety of Mama or Daddy's arms.

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