Thursday, December 4, 2008

Since we're talking about food...

What? We weren't talking about food? Oh sorry, that must have just been me. I'm a little obsessed with it, you know.

I like to be fed, I like to eat with my fingers, I like to try to eat with my own spoon, and now I really like to feed Mama too! She has to make me extra food now (even more than before) because I like to share with her. If I'm eating finger foods, for every third or fourth piece of food I put in my mouth, I like to put one piece in Mama's mouth. I won't eat my next piece (but I do hold it in my hand so it's ready to go) until she eats the one I offer to her.

I also like to eat Mama's food. For dinner tonight, she made me some pasta with homemade tomato mascarpone sauce. It was pretty good until I noticed that she was eating something else: a bowl full of Taiwanese noodles in spicy sauce. I kept staring at it and trying to grab for it until she finally gave me a little bite, warning me that it was kind of spicy so I might not like it. Is she kidding me? After that one bite, I refused to eat the rest of my boring pasta and sauce. She ended up sharing her noodles with me instead.

Eventually she'll figure out that she can stop making me my own special meals and just give me some of what she eats. I like it better.

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