Today was a doozy of a day! After several weeks of following my nap schedule like clockwork (down at 8:30am, 11:30am, and 3pm), I decided that I was having none of that nonsense today. Especially since Mama had several things scheduled throughout the day -- I think she's getting
way too comfortable, assuming that she knows what to expect of me. It's time to mix it up a bit.
I started off by waking up 1-1/2 hours early for my nighttime milk-drug session. Mama tried to just soothe me back to sleep, but I made it very clear that I would not relax until I got my fix. Once I was satiated, I went back to sleep until my normal 6:30am wake-up time. Mama and Daddy thought things were back on track, but I had a big morning planned!
When Mama tried to put me down for my nap at 8:30am, I kicked it into high gear. I started complaining, and then quickly ratcheted it up to a full screaming tantrum. Mama tried every trick in the book (wait to see if I could soothe myself, check on me briefly without picking me up, sing my favorite lullaby to me, rub my belly and legs, finally pick me up and rock me) but I wasn't going to give in that easily. I continued to cry until 11:45am, when I finally fell asleep out of sheer exhaustion. By that point, I'd been rocked, sung to, nursed, fed my favorite meal of pear-cado, kissed, snuggled, read to... I was having a pretty good day. After all, the entire morning was all about ME! And Mama had to skip our yoga class and postpone our date to meet Oliver and his mom.
Mama thought I was going to wake up after an hour, so she made plans to meet Oliver and his mom in the early afternoon. Ha! I slept for almost 3 hours, sabotaging her plans again. When I got up, I ate and then picked up with the whining and crying again. I was losing steam though -- it's hard to be cranky for so long! So I let myself be entertained, and when Daddy came home things were pretty much back to normal. I had my dinner, bath, milk-drug, bedtime story, and then went to bed.
I can't decide if I'm going to do it again tomorrow. I have my first swim lesson in the morning, so there's plenty of opportunity to throw a first class fit. Hmmm, I'll have to think about this...