Thursday, June 12, 2008

The joy of eating

I'm really enjoying this "solid food" stuff. I get it twice a day now, and I love it! Mama makes me my food and freezes it in ice cube trays, so she has freezer bags full of cubes of yummy goodness. For lunch, I eat 3 cubes of fruits and veggies and for dinner I eat 1-2 cubes. My favorite by far is what Mama calls "pear-cado" -- one cube of avocado and one cube of pear mixed together. I'm not a big fan of avocado by itself because it's hard to swallow, but the pear makes all the difference!

I'm also eating carrots, sweet potatoes (yum!), and peaches. I get to try green beans soon, and then I think Mama is going to try that whole pea thing again. Maybe I'll eat them if she mixes them with pears. Pears make everything tasty, even green things.

I wonder if food comes in any colors other than green and orange?

In addition to those yummy things I'm eating, Mama keeps feeding me things that make me sick. She really needs to be a bit more careful, if you ask me. How many rashes, diaper blow-outs, acid reflux flare-ups, gas attacks and bouts of constipation must I suffer through?

Here's a list of things she's given me for the sole purpose of making me miserable, or so it seems to me: rice cereal (gas), bananas (acid reflux, constipation), oatmeal (rashes, diaper blow-outs), applesauce (constipation). Next thing you know, she'll be sneaking peanuts into my food, just for fun.

At least the Dude gave her strict instructions not to give me any more grains until I'm older. So her plans to feed me barley are foiled for now. But I strongly suspect I will have an encounter with barley (very possibly mixed with pears) sometime in the next couple months. I'll keep my eye out for it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow, impressive food repetoire. Benjamin is not getting nearly that much variety, or actually being fed with such regularity and frequency. I keep forgetting he is supposed to eat solids now - bad mom! Zachary is quite the little eater, well done.