Monday, June 2, 2008

Rollin' rollin' rollin'

So my latest trick is to roll over in my crib, every single time I go down for a nap or bedtime. If I'm really tired, it doesn't matter -- I just curl up on my side, then roll over and sleep on my tummy. When I wake up, I complain a bit until someone comes to get me, and everything is fine.

The trouble comes when I'm not quite exhausted yet, but it's time for me to take a nap. I used to just kick and complain until I fell asleep, but now I roll over onto my tummy and then scream like a banshee until someone comes to flip me back over. For one of my naps this weekend, I rolled over, screamed, was flipped, then rolled over again four times in less than 15 minutes. Mama was really pleased with the situation.

I'm also starting to get a little nervous about being left behind. When someone came to the door this morning, Mama set me down in the Pack-n-Play so that she could control Cowboy and answer the door. I got to work on pulling down the toy bar (I can pull it down on top of me in under 3 minutes now) . Then I noticed that Mama was standing with the door open, and I wasn't sure what was going on -- was she going to leave without me? So I started screaming my "fear" scream (I have a wide repertoire of screams now). Luckily, Mama came right over and swooped me up and we danced in the living room until I felt better.

Whew, that was close.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Benjamin has the rolling over trick down, but if you could not teach him to be scared that I will leave, I would really appreciate it. So far he hasn't figured that one out yet - he's not quite as thoughtful as you are. Thanks!