Wednesday, July 9, 2008

All night long!

Well I did it. I slept through the entire night without getting up for my milk-drug. I went to bed at 6:30 PM (with a bit of fussing, so I didn't actually go to sleep until a little after 7 PM), and didn't get up for food until 6:30 AM. Way to go, me!

This might be a fluke, however. I haven't yet decided if I intend to do this on a regular basis.

Here's a little something to show you just what a cheery guy I am (when I'm not throwing a temper tantrum because Mama or Daddy took something away from me):

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Smart baby! Anytime you want to come over for a slumber party and show Benjamin how it is done, you are welcom!