Sunday, July 13, 2008

Captured on video for the first time

She got me.

I was happily babbling away in my BOB while Mama took pictures of me with her little PhD ("Push here, Dummy") camera. I'm so used to her taking pictures that I didn't think anything of it until I realized that she was pointing the camera at me for an awfully long time, and she wasn't pushing the button. That's when I remembered that she can film short videos with her camera too. Nooooo! I was planning to keep my little babbling talent a closely-guarded secret, maybe selling first video rights to the highest bidder sometime later this summer when I need a few bucks for new toys.

Alas, my plans have been foiled. Here's the incriminating video, showing a few seconds of my babbling. Note how I nonchalantly look around as I state my opinion (much like my Daddy), and especially how I utilize the full range of motion of my mouth (also like my Daddy). I end with a few cool-down stretches of my mouth, because I know that it's just as important to ramp down as it is to warm up.

And just for fun, here's another video. I start with just a hint of babbling and mouth stretches, followed by some single -- and then double -- leg kicks. I then let out some squeaks and squeals, sending a quick supersonic shout-out to my dolphin and dog buddies (Wassup, Cow?). As a finale, I give an impressive show of foot-in-mouth flexibility. It doesn't get better than this.

So there you have it: my babbling, caught on film. I have to remember to keep an eye on Mama. She's a crafty one.

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