Monday, April 6, 2009

Sunny days and cats

Since the weather has been so nice, I've been able to spend lots of time outside. Here are a bunch of pictures from the last couple days so you can see what I've been up to. I've been riding my wagon all over the neighborhood and I even figured out how to sneak some of Daddy's herbal iced tea while he was busy pulling the wagon. I made my rounds at a couple of the local playgrounds, where I played on the swings, slides, merry-go-round and in the sand. Daddy got stuck on top of the climbing bars while I found a nice private place under a play structure to sit and play in the bark. I also spent more time focusing on the straw sippy cup A-Mah brought me from Taiwan than playing on the equipment. As usual, I refused to wear a hat or sunglasses (although I wanted to play with Mama and Daddy's sunglasses).

In my non-outdoor adventures, I've started to whisper when Mama whispers to me (I say "pee pee pee pee"). I also really like to meow at cats. I went to a baby shower and meowed whenever I saw the cat (I also tried to catch him, but he was pretty fast). I meow when I see a cat outside, I meow when I see a picture of a cat, and I even meow at my little Lego cat. Today I really impressed Mama when I was playing with my alphabet bus and hit the "c". It said, "C goes ck, like the first sound in the word cat" and so I meowed. Mama was so proud, but really, what's the big deal? My alphabet bus and I were talking about cats.

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