Monday, May 25, 2009

Another day, another playground

Today we went to Magnuson Park, where Daddy took Cowboy for a quick romp in the dog park while I played at the playground with Mama. Daddy and Cowboy came back in time to check out some of the new play structures with me too, although Cowboy had to wait under a tree because dogs aren't allowed on the playground.

I got to swing, climb, slide, bounce, rock, and dig. My favorite is always the swing, but I really like the sandbox once I get comfortable. I spent a long time filling a pail with sand and emptying it again, and I threw a tantrum when we had to go home. However, I was very careful not to hit my head on the ground (I just got on my hands and knees and screamed) and I gave up when I realized that I wasn't getting a reaction out of Mama or Daddy. The other parents at the playground seemed to be veterans too, because they all ignored me as well. Hmph.

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