Saturday, May 23, 2009

Sunny Saturday

Today was a great day! I got to spend most of it outside, and when I wasn't outside playing, I was either eating or sleeping. It doesn't get much better than that.

I started off the day with a trip to the playground with Jammy. I haven't seen him in ages (other than briefly running into him at the U District Street Fair last weekend), so it was fun to do a bit of that toddler "parallel playing". Some day we'll be old enough that we actually notice and play with each other, and not just each other's toys. I did learn a pretty neat trick from him though: offer gifts to little girls to get their attention. It works especially well if you offer someone else's things (i.e. my sippy cup) to them. That way, you're not any worse off if they take the gift and run.

We had a great time playing in the sand (Jammy let me help him fill his pail with sand), going on the swings, spinning the toddler toys around, and climbing all over the play structure and slides. Mama tried to go down a slide with me, but she has a built in braking system she calls "pregnancy butt". It stopped us halfway down the slide, so after that she let me slide by myself.

After a morning at the playground (followed by lunch, a nap, then a snack), Mama, Daddy, Cowboy and I went to Woodland Park to hang out in the grass. I had fun roaming around the field, picking flowers, stealing Mama's sunglasses, talking to my Uncle Brendan on the phone, and eating more snacks.

Once I started getting more insistent about eating snacks (aka "whining"), we packed up and headed home so that I could get dinner. We stopped at Paseo for Mama and Daddy to pick up some Cuban sandwiches, then we went home and ate together. I got bites of their chicken and steak sandwiches (yum!) and ate my kitchari, spinach and apple sauce. After dinner, I had a bath, read some books, and was off to bed! See, I told you: today was all about eating, sleeping and playing.

Actually, now that I think about it, every day is about eating, sleeping and playing for me. I have a pretty good life.

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