...but I can't because I'm sensitive to dairy.
Regardless, who's idea was it to get sick? I'm tired of this. I can't breathe, I cough all day and night, I can't lie down because I get so stuffed up, and all I want to do is nurse. But even that is tough, because my nose is stuffed up.
Mama put my swing in my crib so that I can sleep sitting up (it lets all the nasties drain down rather than getting clogged up in my throat). It helps a bit, but I was still awake for most of the night last night. It's hard to sleep through a hacking cough.
Another part of being sick means that everything is runny. All systems. So runny, in fact, that one diaper can no longer contain me. Yesterday morning, I managed to get as much outside of the diaper (and up my back, down my legs, all over my arms...) as inside of it, so Daddy ended up just handing me to Mama in the shower because that was the only way to clean me off.
This is so not fun.
That is just the saddest face...I'm feeling a little weepy looking at it, and maybe a little more so when I think of how tired your momma must be!! Hang in there guys, this too shall pass (or at least that is what I like to tell myself when the going gets tough, so that the not-so-tough (me) just don't get going right on out the door).
Poor guy... on top of everything else to be sensitive to dairy. This all sounds like no fun at all. Just keep thinking Hawaii thoughts!
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