Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Refluxions of a baby

Mama took me to the doctor today because I haven't been nursing well and I wail in pain whenever I do nurse (which is why I don't nurse much -- would YOU continue to do something that hurts?). She was worried that I might have an ear infection. It turns out that my ears and lungs are just fine, and that I have a run-of-the-mill cold. However, since I am also blessed with acid reflux (for which I've been on medication since I was just a wee thing), a cold isn't just a cold. Apparently, it causes my reflux to flare up so that even the medication doesn't help. There's nothing I can do other than wait it out. However, the doctor did say that I should nurse frequently since I'm not eating much each time. He also said that our vacation will be good for me, because the warmth, humidity, and sinus-flushing swimming pool will do wonders for my congestion. Works for me!

Mama! Bring me the milk-drug! It's been almost 45 minutes since I last had a sip.

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