Friday, April 4, 2008

Two for two

This is the second day in a row that I refuse to take my afternoon nap. I'm super tired and cranky, but when mama puts me down in my crib, I scream and scream and scream until she comes to get me. She holds me up, pats my back and I let out massive burps (after each one I'm so proud of should hear them!). Mama is thinking that maybe my morning bottle (the only bottle of the day) is making me gassy, because I still take my morning nap and go to sleep at night just fine.

The only thing that seems to work is for me to nap in the swing. After several weeks of hating the swing, I've come around to the realization that it is a little slice of mechanized heaven. Mama put my fleece bundleme in it (she picked up that trick from Marley & Lilah's mama) and it's just wonderful.

Today, Tori said bye-bye to me. I don't understand why. I like hanging out with her in the mornings, but she's not going to spend mornings with me anymore. Mama was sad about it too, so why are we doing this again? But mama tells me that I'll still see Tori sometimes, so that makes me happy. And starting next week I'm going to work with mama! I wonder what they'll have me do. Do you think I'll get my own office?

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