Friday, August 15, 2008

Just when you thought bath time was fun...

This made Mama laugh, but I don't think it's funny. Being only 9 months old, my sense of humor has not matured quite enough to appreciate satire. Jonathan Swift I am not...yet.

Mama wouldn't let me read the article that goes with the picture because it's got something she calls "mature language" in it. She knows that if I encounter this type of language, I will select my very first word from it. Although, I see a word up there in the picture that's really intriguing... Anyway, if you'd like to read the article, you'll have to click here.

And for those whose sense of humor is as jejune as mine, it's a spoof, OK? It's not serious. It's make-believe. Like unicorns and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and the idea that the world existed before I was born.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This one totally cracks me up....I'll be breaking it out for my kiddos who are due up for a dose of reality, what with school starting in less than 2 weeks (not that I am counting or anything!). Must build up tolerance for life's hardships quickly....homework and separation for mother known to cause much trauma! Fancy hair product sure to work miracles in strength/character building!