Saturday, March 21, 2009

10 Things I Like About Me

  1. When I eat with my hands, I always hold one piece of food in one hand for safe-keeping, and then eat the rest of the food with my other hand. That way I know I always have one piece left.
  2. I've picked my own word for Daddy. Even though I call him "Daddy" on this blog, I call him "Papa" or "Baba" in real life. When I see him come home from work, I yell out, "BABA!!"
  3. I love to play with my Lego Duplo blocks. They are in a box that is hard to open, so I bring the box over to Mama so that she can open it for me. Then I take all of the blocks out and pull apart whatever Mama has built. Sometimes I put things back together, but I generally prefer destruction over construction. However, when Mama asks, I will put all of the Legos back into the box.
  4. I often hold things I like behind my head when I walk around with them. It's how you would hold a phone to your ear, if your ear were on the back of your head. I started doing it with phones, but I also do it with remote controls, shoes, my recorder, and anything else small enough to get back there.
  5. I love the dustbuster vacuum cleaner. I can play with that all day long. And I'm very careful to get under the furniture and inside Cowboy's crate.
  6. I like to play with Cowboy. I pet him when he walks by, and sometimes I chase him around the house. He's very nice, but he runs away from me when I chase him.
  7. I've learned how to take smaller bites, so now I don't stuff huge pieces of banana or sandwich in my mouth (well, usually). I'm especially good with banana.
  8. I like to play games with Mama and Daddy. I play hide-n-seek with Daddy (he's a really good hider) and I play "Where's my boy" with Mama. She asks "Where's my boy?" and I dive-bomb her and either give her kisses or zerberts all over her face.
  9. I still eat more than my body weight every day. I especially like bananas and avocados, and I'll even eat a little bit of meat now and then. I still don't like beef, but I'll eat a tiny bit of pork or bacon.
  10. I talk all the time, but I don't usually use the same kinds of words Mama and Daddy use. I have my own, but every once in awhile I'll slip in a big boy word like "dog", "milk", or "cow". My words are more fun. My currrent favorites are "blogl-blogl", "cogla-cogla" and "bloo-bloo-bloo" (I like the "L" sound). I still use my sign language words though, because that's how I get critical things like food, drink, toys and diaper changes.

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