Wednesday, March 11, 2009

I told you I'm sleepy

Yesterday Mama took me to run some errands and I didn't last very long. Not surprisingly, Mama had her camera with her (is there ever a time when she doesn't?) so she managed to catch me as I tried to fight off sleep. You can hear when I finally give in because I stop sucking on my fingers.

And my new development for today: spots! Starting on my face this morning, spreading all over my body by bedtime. So far they aren't itchy, so it's probably not chicken pox. It could be roseola or measles, but it doesn't really make a difference because they are all spotty diseases caused by viruses which have no treatment other than "wait it out". Since my fever has gone down, Mama is just going to keep an eye on my spots to see what they do. But I think spotty = no Gymboree for me tomorrow.

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