Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Fire fighters

Our neighbors are tearing down their house next week, and since the house will be completely demolished, they invited the Fire Training Academy to use it for a training exercise. I walked Cowboy down to watch 15 fire fighters run around, knock holes through walls, and even climb on the roof and use a chainsaw to cut a hole through it! They wore all of their gear and made lots of noise, which was really fun. They even had fake smoke coming out of the house, and we could hear the bells going off as they ran low on air or other warnings sounded on their equipment.

The nice fire fighters even came over to us and answered our questions and let us look at their equipment. Mama really liked the thermal imaging camera and I was pretty interested in the chainsaw. However, I was a little wary of the fire fighters themselves. They are very large and outfitted in scary yellow uniforms. I cried when Mama tried to get a picture of me with one, and then Cowboy came to the rescue and wouldn't let him near me. So no pictures of me with fire fighters. Mama says she bets I'll like them more when I'm older and that I'll be SO excited to sit on their trucks. That's the same thing she said about that Santa guy. We'll see.

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