Saturday, May 17, 2008

You too can be happy

People often mention what a happy, friendly, and laid-back baby I am. I've decided to share my secret: the babyhill fail-proof method of coping with discord. You see, like anyone else, I have my rough moments. The difference is that I know how to get to my happy place. For the low cost of $0.00*, I am providing a step-by-step breakdown (including pictures!) of how it works:
  1. Things are not good
  2. Locate middle two fingers on left hand
  3. Insert fingers in mouth for immediate sucking
  4. Cover fingers and mouth with right hand and forearm
  5. Enter happy place (note relaxed brow and blissed out expression)
  6. Once internal harmony has been achieved, suck on middle fingers as necessary to sustain good feelings

*My fees are very affordable right now because I have Mama and Daddy wrapped around my little finger and they'll buy me anything I want

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Can you teach Benjamin this trick? We could pay handsomely in pears and carrots!