Sunday, March 30, 2008

Happy Birthday Jammy's mom!

Last night, we went to Jammy's house to surprise his mom for her birthday. It was fun -- we hid in the dark and jumped up to scare her when she came in. I like this whole "scaring people for fun" thing. I do have to admit that I was a bit distracted, considering that I was in the midst of nursing when she came home. So mama squatted down behind a chair while I kept on nursing, and when she jumped up to surprise Jammy's mommy, I didn't even unlatch. That was a proud moment for me.

After we scared JammyMom (JamMommy?), I said hi to Jammy and sang a little duet with him (he sings bass while I stick to the upper ranges, so we've got a Barry White/Justin Timberlake thing going on). Then I was whisked home to go to bed, where my FG (fairy godmother) Margaret watched over me while mama and daddy went back to JammyMom's house to celebrate her birthday.

Birthdays and birthday parties sure seem like fun. Although I wouldn't know, because I haven't had a single birthday party in my entire life! C'mon mama and daddy -- what's a guy got to do to get a little love around here?


Anonymous said...

We were really excited that you all were able to make it. I was glad to get to spend some time with you and your parents! The little Jammer always likes to have friends over, so it was nice for him as well. Thanks again and see you all again soon.

Anonymous said...

So glad you guys could make it....LOVED meeting the big Z (and his parents). Hope you weren't all completely overwhelmed with our chaos and craziness and that you might consider playing with us again!!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for coming to the party! It was cool that there was at least one other kid there, and not just a bunch of big heads... One of these days maybe my parents will go out of town, and I will throw my own party.