Monday, March 31, 2008

I suck

And when I say that I suck, I mean I suck EVERYTHING. My fingers, my fists, my arm, mama's arm, mama's neck, mama's cheek, mama's nose...anything that comes in range of my mouth goes right in. And now I'm starting to figure out how these "hand" things work, so I can grab things that I like (e.g. my horse toy, my taggie blanket, mama's hair, mama's necklace, the strap from mama's hooter hider...) and put them into my mouth if they don't happen to be close enough for me to just suck them in.

I've even started sucking on a pacifier, which apparently is made specifically to be sucked. Can you believe they make something that has no purpose other than to be sucked?? It's awesome. I can't believe that I've been holding off for so long! But I still prefer my fist (actually, I've narrowed it down to my left thumb -- that's my favorite digit).

You may have noticed that I suck on anything that belongs to me, including my mama. You see, she's just an extension of me. She's the part of me that's a little more coordinated, so I often use her to get me things or take me places. But lately, and this is the part that confuses me, she's been going somewhere without me in the mornings! I don't know how a part of me can just up and leave without my consent. She calls it "work" and it doesn't even seem like it's a very nice thing, because she always looks sad when she leaves.

I actually don't mind that much -- I know that she's coming back soon, and in the meantime, I get to stay at home and play with Tori. I like Tori. She sings to me, gives me bottles of the milk-drug (shhh -- don't tell mama that I've found another source), plays with me and takes me for walks. I would really like to play with Tori every day, but mama tells me that starting next week, she'll be taking me with her and leaving me downstairs while she does this "work" thing upstairs. I wonder if Tori will be there?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I suck everything too! Except the pacifier, that one still confuses me. But its really cool because it gets everything drooly and slimey all the time.