My first day here! Hanging out in NICU because I was too skinny to regulate my body temperature. That's what happens when you decide to be born almost a month before you're done cooking.
1 month old, hanging out with Daddy. Who knew that my head would be almost as big as his by the time I turn one?
2 months old, staring at the living room wall while Mama cuddles with me. I really liked to stare at that wall when I was little.
3 months old, having a bit of trouble holding my head up in the Bumbo. This was also the first day I held onto a toy, and I still love that rattle.
4 months old, packed up in my car seat to head to yoga with Mama. This is when I was still young enough to sleep in the car seat throughout the entire yoga class. This stage didn't last for very long.
5 months old, lounging in my undies. Practicing for a future Calvin Klein photo shoot. Times Square, here I come!
6 months old, amazed with my own handsomeness.
7 months old, playing on the blue mats that Mama got to protect my head from the hardwood floors. This is probably one of the last times I was willing to just lie around while Mama took pictures.
8 months old, celebrating the 4th of July with Daddy. Next year I might even stay up long enough to see the fireworks!
9 months old, not very happy about missing my nap while driving home from the Point B Getaway. I yelled for an entire hour. I think that's the last time Tristan will offer to carpool with us.
10 months old, crawling like a fiend, can't keep me in one place! I'm also quite adept at throwing my toys all over my playroom.
11 months old, riding a pony at the Mosaic playroom. Look how cool I am with my giraffe leggings. It takes a very confident boy to pull those off.
Look how far I've come! I'm not quite walking yet (in fact, I don't even like finger-walking anymore because I know I can move faster by crawling), but I like to cruise around on the furniture and climb onto anything I can reach. I've got 3 teeth coming in, and the 4th is about to cut through any day now. I have a very large baby vocabulary, and right now my favorite sound is "mum-mum-mum-mum" which sometimes I change to "ma-ma-ma-ma". That makes my Mama smile. I still eat anything that's put in front of me and I'm getting really good at drinking water (and sometimes milk) out of a glass. I like to wave my hands in the air, clap, screech like a pterodactyl, and laugh my little fake laugh to copy other people. I like to do this other thing that Mama can't figure out what to call: it's when I open my mouth and say "ahhhhh" and then pat my hand over my mouth to make the sound undulate. What's that called? Anyway, I like to do it. And I still suck on my two middle fingers on my left hand whenever I go to sleep. I'm a very busy little boy, and I've packed a lot of growing and learning into the last year! I'm looking forward to everything I'm going to do in the upcoming year. Watch out, parental units -- I'm gonna be WALKING soon! Bwah-hah-hah-hah!
Happy birthday big guy! Hope you had a great day and that lots of people voted for you, though sadly you didn't win the big election...I'm pretty sure you won the contest for cutest one year old (though you know I can only say that for about 5 more days). Have a fun party this weekend!
Happy Birthday Zachary!
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