Sunday, November 9, 2008

Party all the time

Guess what today was? My birthday party! It was so much fun. I had my friends Sawyer, Jammy, Oliver, and Sam over to play, and we completely tore apart my play room. Even though I'm pretty good at tearing it apart on my own, it's a million times more fun with friends! And after we threw the toys and books all over the floor, I took it one step further: I found the package of diapers that Daddy stashed under the futon and I threw THOSE all over the room too! Not only was it fun, but it was soft and smelled so baby fresh too.

I was hoping to host the bash to end all birthday bashes, but then my parents decided to stick around to chaperone. All of my friends' parents stuck around too, so there was a parent:baby ratio of 2:1. No chance of taking the car for a joyride or sneaking out back to kiss girls. No girls, either. Oh well, maybe for my 2nd birthday.

Even with the parents there, it was a good time. Mama made a table full of cupcakes, cookies and sandwiches, and the moms hung out with us while the dads watched football on TV. And get this: everyone brought me presents! Can I just say that I think this whole idea of "presents" is amazing? I've gotten the COOLEST presents this past week, just because it's my birthday! If I'd known about this, I would have had my birthday much sooner and more often.

Anyway, we played, ate cupcakes (well, I just smushed mine into the table), opened presents, and then played with my new toys. Jammy showed us how to walk while Sawyer gave us pointers on how to navigate the tricky waters of one-year-oldness (Jammy will be one tomorrow and Oliver in two weeks). Even though Sam is a bit younger, he was totally cool and up for hanging out with us big kids. In fact, he stands and cruises just as well as any of us! I was very impressed, because it didn't even occur to me to try to stand up until relatively recently.

So that was my birthday! It was a great first birthday and I think I like this whole "party" thing. Now that I'm a big tough 1-year old, I might throw parties more regularly. (Mama just said, "Hah!" Does that mean she agrees? That's what I'll choose to believe.)

Here are a couple pictures, and you can see these and more on Flickr: My birthday party.


Anonymous said...

First, happy birthday party day! Second, your mom is way too organized and ambitious...she has your party pictures up within hours of the party! She makes us mere mortals look so sluggish....does she have a secret cape and super powers we don't know about?

Anonymous said...

Thanks for a cool party! I wasn't going to have one, but no one told me about all the presents. I might have to reconsider.