Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Silly shots

You know how I had another set of shots at my doctor appointment last week? Well, Dr. Tom warned us that I might have a fever 7-10 days later. He said that because the MMR is a live vaccine, the reaction is delayed by about a week. I'm glad he warned us, because Mama and Daddy would have been worried if they didn't know. I went to bed like I normally do, but then I woke up at about 10 PM and started talking and yodeling in my crib (yes, I yodel). Mama finally came in to see what was going on and discovered that I was burning up with a fever! She took my temperature (102 degrees), gave me some infant Tylenol and a bit of water to drink. She sang to me and rocked me in the glider until my fever started to come down and I was able to go back to sleep. I'm feeling a lot better this morning. Those darn shots.

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