Sunday, November 23, 2008

Updating my CV

I'm finally letting Mama and Daddy know that I know more than they realize. In addition to my stellar Chinese, I also understand when they say "hands up!" and I'll usually nod my head or dance from side to side when Mama asks me to. I can point out my head and hair, and when Mama reads "Where's Baby's Bellybutton" to me, I pat my belly to show her. I often wave to people when I see them, and I'll do my Tarzan yell if Mama does it too. I like to burble and motor-boat with my lips whenever I'm bored, and I blow spit bubbles for fun. In addition to taking everything out of my toy boxes, I like to put everything back into them. Not in the right boxes of course, but you have to start somewhere. I know how to turn my garden table on (the little red button) and make my horsie neigh (pat his cheek), and I roll a ball back to Mama when we play. I turn the lights on and off for Mama when we enter or leave a room. I can stand without holding on for a little while. I give zerberts to Mama's cheek, although sometimes I trick her and bite her nose instead. Speaking of which, I have four very impressive teeth. When I eat, I use sign language to show that I want "more" (although I haven't used "all done" yet...Mama and Daddy aren't sure if that's because I'm never all done, or if I just can't remember the sign). And last night in the car when I was talking to myself, Mama said, "Are you saying 'Daddy'?" I said, "Dayyyyyy-dee" and I said it over and over. Mama and Daddy aren't sure if I was actually saying the word or just mimicking, but they were pretty excited about it anyway. I can really get a rise out of them if I say "mum-mum-mum-mum" or "dayyyyyyy-dee".


Anonymous said...

What a talented and British baby you are! Benjamin doesn't know nearly so many tricks. Maybe you can teach him some? Maybe you can also tell me what CV stands for, because I know it roughly means resume, and they are always saying it in those British chicky novels that I like to read, but I have no idea what it is literally. Career Volume? Cheeky Voice? Clever Vocabulary?

Anonymous said...

I like your options better, but CV = curriculum vitae. Fancy shmancy Latin, I think? And as for Benjamin, the whole walking thing still trumps a lot. Jammy and Z need to get together to trade tricks.